Configuring DNS Servers for Services
  • 08 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configuring DNS Servers for Services

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Article summary

Optionally, you can configure DNS servers for a service instead of using the default. When set to Default, the service uses the iNode's DNS servers' configuration. Current configuration is displayed under DNS Servers IP Address.

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The iNode’s DNS configuration is set as follows:

  • If the iNode's uplink interface uses DHCP, the DHCP server automatically sets the DNS Servers configuration.
  • If the iNode's uplink interface uses Static IP, then you can specify the DNS server configuration using the iNode CLI command nameserver.

To configure custom DNS servers for the service, follow these steps:

  1. To set or change the DNS server configuration, select the name of the iNode from the iNode details page. On the Services tab, select Edit Service.
  2. Select Custom in the Configure DNS Servers section.
  3. Enter your custom DNS server’s IP address. If you’d like to add another, select Add and enter the IP address of the additional DNS server. You can have a total of three DNS servers.image29 5

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