Setting the Memory Limit for iNode Services
  • 08 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Setting the Memory Limit for iNode Services

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Article summary

By default, the combined memory usage by all services is limited to 75% of the system memory in an iNode.

To change the memory limit for services running in an iNode, follow these steps:

  1. From the iNodes page, select the name of the Edge iNode for which to change the memory limit for services and to display the iNode details page.iNode Page
  2. Under Manage iNode (top right), select Edit to display the Edit iNode page.
    Edit iNode
  3. Under Advanced Settings, use the slider under Allocate Memory Resources for Services to set the memory limit to the required percentage.Edit Adv iNode
  4. Select Update to save the new memory-limit value to the iNode.
  5. Reboot the iNode for the memory-limit changes to take effect.iNode Reboot

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